
The Next Generation of Private & Corporate Banking

D2-Banking - Data custody and Digital banking - is the guaranteed custody of genomic maps and medical records; art, photo, music and video collections; personal files including wills, deeds and memoirs; and other intellectual property alongside traditional financial services.

"Before the end of this decade every individual around the world will have the convenience and guaranteed security of one stop D2-Banking, which will become second nature to its customers as they enjoy the ability to store and access data and finances from anywhere at anytime without fear of being hacked or plagued by malicious software."

DK Matai, Executive Chairman, mi2g

D2-Banking™ is an holistic approach to banking, which has evolved over the last eight years from eDFi™ to create the next generation of wealth management. D2-Banking utilises mi2g's award winning Bespoke Security Architecture™ pedigree to deliver combined digital banking and data custody services with guaranteed security. The first phase of the D2-Banking™ initiative was completed on 17th December 2003, the same day as the first centenary of the Wright Brothers' powered flight from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.

The Executive Summary for D2-Banking™ in pdf format can be accessed from here. Please contact us to find out more about delivering combined digital banking and data custody services.