Dear ATCA Colleagues
[Please note that the views presented by individual contributors are
not necessarily representative of the views of ATCA, which is neutral.
ATCA conducts collective Socratic dialogue on global opportunities and
Joint Declaration
"We all believe that for companies to succeed into the future
they must play a greater role in contributing to solving the problems
that society faces, including environmental degradation, poverty and the
abuse of human rights. Our conclusions are summarised [below]. We commit
to doing all we can within our own organisations and with others to turn
these conclusions into practice. We hope that this report will prompt
a further exchange of ideas about the evolving role of global business.
Its ultimate success will be measured by its impact on the actions that
leaders in business and beyond take over the coming years."
The joint declaration has been signed by a number of trans-national business
and organisation leaders as members of the global inquiry team. The launch
has taken taken place upon the completion of the two-year long world-wide
inquiry. The international inquiry was conceived and facilitated by Mark
Goyder et al at Tomorrow's Company. Please note that many members
of the international inquiry team are also members of ATCA:
Inquiry Co-Chairs
1. John Manzoni, Group Managing Director & Chief Executive, Refining
& Marketing, BP
2. Nandan Nilekani, Co-Chairman, Infosys Technologies
Inquiry Team members
3. Gary Steel, Executive Vice President and Head of Human Resources,
4. Daniel Gagnier, Formerly Senior Vice President, Corporate and External
Affairs, Alcan
5. Ron Nielsen, Director, Sustainability and Strategic Partnerships, Alcan
6. Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, Anglo-American
7. GV Prasad, Vice Chairman and CEO, Dr Reddy's
8. Dr Wolfgang Schneider, Ford, VP Legal, Governmental & Environmental
Affairs, Ford of Europe
9. Ian Barlow, Senior Partner, KPMG (London)
10. BG Srinivas, Senior Vice President (EMEA), Infosys Technologies
11. David Runnalls, President, International Institute for Sustainable
12. Ulf Karlberg, Human Rights Activist, Founding Chair - Amnesty International
Business Group, Sweden
13. Fields Wicker-Muirin, Co-Founder and Partner, Leaders' Quest
14. Jeremy Oppenheim, Partner, McKinsey & Company
15. Mervyn Davies, Chairman, Standard Chartered
16. Kate James, Global Head of Government Relations and Business Strategy,
Standard Chartered
17. Gerard Lemarche, Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Financial
Officer, SUEZ
18. Gérard Sussmann, Corporate Vice President for Development and
Strategy, SUEZ
19. John Elkington, Founder & Chief Entrepreneur, SustainAbility
Executive Summary
The survival and success of tomorrow's global company is bound up with
the health of a complex global system made up of three interdependent
sub-systems - the natural environment, the social and political system
and the global economy. Global companies play a role in all three and
they need all three to flourish.
We believe in a strong market economy. The market economy has driven human
progress and growth, lifting the living standards of many people. But
the world is now undergoing a period of unprecedented change and it is
becoming clear that the current frameworks in which the market operates
are leading to unsustainable outcomes. There are major issues which the
market and the political systems have not resolved -- particularly climate
change, areas of persistent poverty and abuses of human rights.
Global companies can be a force for good and are uniquely placed to deliver
the practical solutions that are urgently required to address these issues.
We believe that the purpose of tomorrow's global company is "To provide
ever better goods and services in a way that is profitable, ethical and
respects the environment, individuals and the communities in which it
This means changes for tomorrow's global company and its future leadership.
To play their full part, tomorrow's global companies need to work together,
accepting their share of responsibility for addressing the world's challenges.
They must maintain their own economic health by retaining the support
of customers and shareholders. From this position, they can build stronger
and more constructive relationships with governments and civil society
in a joint effort to deliver the solutions that are needed.
We have identified three specific ways in which global companies can fulfil
this role through 'expanding the space' in which they operate.
Expanding The Space
1. Redefining Success
Tomorrow's global company should expand its view of success and redefine
it in terms of lasting positive impacts for business, society and the
environment. Having redefined success, tomorrow's global business leaders
should stand firmly behind their convictions and use them as a basis for
their business strategy and decision making. Internal processes, especially
measurement and reporting, and external communications with all stakeholders,
need to be consistent with this view of success.
2. Embedding Values
Shared values are essential to provide cohesion in a company that is global
and diverse. Once values have been established and communicated, they
must be rigorously followed in practice and people held accountable for
observing them. Tomorrow's global companies need both values and rules,
but values provide the bedrock upon which a company's behaviour should
be based.
3. Creating Frameworks
There are serious failures in the frameworks of law, regulations and agreements
which frustrate many efforts to deal with some of the global issues both
companies and societies face. Fiscal systems often do not drive the market
in sustainable directions and subsidies are frequently perverse. In many
cases, major issues can be addressed through international agreements.
These subsequently need to be translated into national regulation that
is then rigorously and uniformly enforced. Effective self-regulation,
in its many forms, is often the first step. We believe tomorrow's global
company must take the time and commitment required to be pro-active and
work jointly with other companies, NGOs, governments and international
organisations to ensure that better frameworks are created.
We look forward to your further thoughts, observations and views. Thank