Mimail to become 4th worst malware over weekend
London, UK - 21 November 2003, 15:30 GMT - The Mimail virus's .J and
.I variants continue to spread and are likely to propel the malware family
to become the 4th most damaging of all time over the coming weekend. By Monday
23rd November, damage caused by Mimail, which targets Windows users only,
is on course to be exceeded only by the Sobig, Klez and Yaha malware. The
present incumbent, Swen, will be displaced by Mimail either on Saturday night
or Sunday morning at the present infection rate according to the mi2g
Intelligence Unit. The global economic damage from the Mimail malware family
has now crossed $9 billion worldwide in terms of productivity losses as well
as business interruption estimates.
The worldwide economic damage for the top five malware of all time to date
is as follows: 1. Sobig = $36.1 billion; 2. Klez = $18.9 billion; 3. Yaha
= $11.1 billion; 4. Swen = $9.15 billion; and 5. Mimail = $9 billion.
Also Read: Mimail climbs to 5th worst malware
of all time
Full details of the October 2003 report are available as of 1st November
2003 and can be ordered from here.
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